Saturday, 16 April 2011

Planet for Sale

Alexis Marant (interview here) has directed a new film called "Planete a Vendre" which will be on French TV April 19th 2011.

The Global Land Grab blog posts with more details, explaining the dangerous logic behind what's going on:

“To feed the 9.2 billion people expected by 2050 will require doubling agricultural production. A boon to investors who pushed up from 5 to 175 billion in speculative capital invested in agricultural commodities between 2000 and 2007.”

There's also a trailer here showing the factors that are now driving most wealthy Middle Eastern countries, for example, to get a-hold of poorer people's land overseas and make sure that their populations, which are also still increasing, will continue to be able to import most of the food they demand.

Don't ask where the poor will be able to grow their food in the future ...

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